UK/EU +44 2038652537/ 02039500428, IN +91 80311 97000

We manage the payroll of our staff that is on contract with us and deployed to customer projects. We extend the same, full-featured global payroll services, to external clients as well.

Our global HR governance & payroll management practice can provide you with solutions to your existing payroll processing needs as well as compliance with global labour laws across geographies. Our HR executives can manage multi-country governance & payroll as well as seamlessly integrate with legacy systems using our multi-country governance & payroll management solution. 

With our global governance consulting services we provide companies with: Employment Law Checklists, Self and Vendor Audit, Advisory Retainer services on updates & queries related to employment law, Compensation structure & social security benefits and finally, Payroll and global payroll compliance services.

It is our goal to provide exemplary implementation standards and constant team support no matter what your company needs.

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